EN Maturity Set up – Product & Connectivity

PRODUCT & CONNECTIVITY The basis for offering smart services is intelligent products – i.e. products that are able to collect operational or environmental data and make it available for further use. Equipping products with intelligent components removes...

EN Maturity Level 6

Ecosystem Leaders are companies that shape smart services for an entire ecosystem and develop modular new services in a forward-looking...

EN Maturity Level 5

Companies that integrate smart products with smart services based on a digital business model. This creates a cross-niche, established portfolio of various smart services that represent the core business of the...

EN Maturity Level 2

Smart Product Manufacturers refer to companies that already offer successful smart products in the market, but do not yet offer smart services...

EN Maturity Level 4

Smart Service Providers are companies that have established a smart service in a particular field in the market, such as predictive maintenance for machine...
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