EN Development Team – fir Overlay

FIR at RWTH Aachen University … is a non-profit, cross-industry research and training institution with a focus on business organisation, information logistics and corporate IT. The FIR aims to create the organisational foundations for the digital networked...

EN Development Team – acatech Overlay

acatech … as one of the national academies of science and as the voice of the technology sciences, is an important driver of evidence-based innovation in Germany for sustainable growth and prosperity. acatech advises politics and society in an independent,...

EN Development Journey – The Scope

THE SCOPE Development Team & Maturity Approach DEVELOPMENT TEAM Breaking down the visions of digital transformation and servitisation to enable production-oriented companies to adapt their processes and structures in a target-oriented way is challenging....

EN Development Journey – The Quick Assessment

THE QUICK ASSESSMENT Benchmarking & Action lines BENCHMARKING   The challenge in the smart service transformation is structuring it – the acatech Maturity Index Smart Services provides a remedy. However, the model alone does not help with orientation....

EN Development Journey – The Outlook

THE OUTLOOK   Updates & Application UPDATES As a team of developers, we ensure that all services, all content and all findings on Smart Service Transformation permanently represent the latest scientific status & practical reality. The acatech Maturity Hub...
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