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Smart Service Vision & Initial Situation


“The vision of the smart service world remains attractive. Cloud & edge solutions are on the rise, the treasure of data is increasing.

In the emerging industrial metaverse, entire ecosystems with comprehensive data offerings can be integrated for the development of smart services in the future.

However, the sometimes sluggish implementation in recent years shows the important point for the market success of smart services: the connection of product and service alone is not enough.

Only the effective triad of product, service and customer-oriented value proposition creates real differentiation and brand new market opportunities.

The challenge consists in combining these building blocks into sustainable and competitive smart services and deriving successful business models.

Only the big players can do this independently, but Germany as a centre of innovation also lives from its hidden champions: small businesses and SMEs. They need support!” 

Frank Riemensperger – Member of the acatech Executive Committee and co-initiator of the Federal Government’s future project Smart Service World


Frank Riemensperger


Manufacturing companies are sitting on a treasure: connected products deliver large amounts of data via the Internet of Things. Physical products can be further developed into smart services on this basis.

Currently, only 0.7 per cent of the sales of European mechanical engineering companies are generated via digital platforms and value-added services

This market opportunity is still not being sufficiently exploited in Germany and Europe. Manufacturing companies could thus miss out on a megatrend in the emerging data economy.

Smart service business needs transformation

The reason: for the triad of product, service and value proposition, production-oriented companies not only need to combine smart products with smart services and be digitised for this. It needs more.

An adjustment of the business model is essential: stronger customer orientation, an improved understanding of the ecosystem and the servitisation of sales processes.

Simultaneously, the organisation, culture and strategy must be aligned with the smart service business. This shows: The smart service transformation is a business challenge!

How does the support of companies in their transformation succeed?

We define the approach in the goal setting – evidence-based & application-oriented!

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Smart Service Vision & Initial Situation

Frank Riemensperger



Manufacturing companies are sitting on a treasure: connected products deliver large amounts of data via the Internet of Things. Physical products can be further developed into smart services on this basis.

Currently, only 0.7 per cent of the sales of European mechanical engineering companies are generated via digital platforms and value-added services.

This market opportunity is still not being sufficiently exploited in Germany and Europe. Manufacturing companies could thus miss out on a megatrend in the emerging data economy.

Smart service business needs transformation

The reason: for the triad of product, service and value proposition, production-oriented companies not only need to combine smart products with smart services and be digitised for this. It needs more.

An adjustment of the business model is essential: stronger customer orientation, an improved understanding of the ecosystem and the servitisation of sales processes.

Simultaneously, the organisation, culture and strategy must be aligned with the smart service business. This shows: The smart service transformation is a business challenge!




Produzierende Unternehmen sitzen auf einem Schatz: Vernetzte Produkte liefern über das Internet der Dinge große Datenmengen. Physische Produkte lassen sich auf dieser Basis zu Smart Services weiterentwickeln.

Aktuell werden erst 0,7 Prozent der Umsätze von europäischen Maschinenbauunternehmen über digitale Plattformen und Mehrwertdienste erwirtschaftet.

Noch wird diese Marktchance in Deutschland und Europa nicht ausreichend gehoben. Produzierende Unternehmen könnten so einen Megatrend in der entstehenden Data Economy verschlafen.

Smart Service Geschäft braucht Transformation

Der Grund: Für die Trias aus Produkt, Service und Leistungsversprechen müssen produktionsorientierte Unternehmen nicht nur smarte Produkte mit smarten Services kombinieren und dafür digitalisiert sein. Es braucht mehr.

Eine Anpassung des Geschäftsmodells ist essenziell: stärkere Kundenorientierung, ein verbessertes Ökosystem-Verständnis sowie die Servitisierung von Vertriebsprozessen.

Gleichzeitig müssen Organisation, Kultur und Strategie auf das Smart Service Geschäft ausgerichtet werden. Das zeigt: Die Smart Service Transformation ist eine unternehmerische Herausforderung!

How does the support of companies in their transformation succeed?

We define the approach in the goal setting – evidence-based & application-oriented!

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